Posted in Arabia Book of Mormon Evidence Origins Problems Scholarship

Nephi’s Three-day Journey into the Wilderness: The Natural vs. the Naturalistic Reading

Of the many interesting details in Nephi’s description of his journey through the Arabian Peninsula, one of the first comes after his mention of reaching the “borders” of the Red…

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Posted in Arabian Peninsula Book of Mormon Critics Evidence

“O Captain, My Captain”: Walt Whitman’s Surprising Role in the Ultimate Refutation of All Book of Mormon Evidence

Fond Memories from Before the Blast Back before a massive nuclear logic bomb wiped out Latter-day Saint apologetics a few days ago,  the story behind the map below once counted…

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Posted in Arabian Peninsula Book of Mormon Evidence Race Scripture

Recent Discoveries and Advances Published by Interpreter, Part 1

If you aren’t following the journal Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship, you may have missed some discoveries and advances in understanding our scriptures that could be…

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Posted in Arabia Arabian Peninsula Book of Mormon Evidence

Warren Aston’s Search for Shazer: Another Breakthrough for the Arabian Peninsula Evidence for the Book of Mormon

Important new evidence for the plausibility of Lehi’s Trail in the Book of Mormon has just been published based on 2019 fieldwork in the Arabian Peninsula by Warren Aston. See…

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Posted in Arabian Peninsula Book of Mormon Evidence

Another Update on the River of Laman

Warren Aston, whose personal explorations in the Arabian Peninsula have done so much to expand our knowledge of Lehi’s Trail and the candidates for some of the places mentioned by…

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Posted in Arabian Peninsula Book of Mormon Evidence

Three Days to the Valley of Lemuel — But From Where?

One of the things I enjoy about blogging is having readers with diverse perspectives who aren’t afraid to point out flaws in my views. This forces me to either hide…

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Posted in Arabia Book of Mormon Evidence Scholarship

The River of Filthy Water in Lehi’s Dream, and Perhaps in His Personal Experience

In Lehi’s dream in 1 Nephi 8, he saw a river of water flowing by the great and spacious building, and saw that many drowned in it as they left…

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