Posted in Africa Baptism Doctrine and Covenants Faith Family Friends Gospel of Jesus Christ International Miracles MIssionary work Sacrifice The Church

The Blessing of Blackberries: Side Effects of a Joyous Baptism

In May I had one of the most joyous days of my life as two friends of ours, a courageous and very talented mother from Africa and her intelligent, faithful…

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Posted in Ancient Near East Antiquity Arabia Arabian Peninsula Book of Mormon Evidence Faith Problems Scholarship

Further Thoughts on Nephi’s Three-Day Journey: Going the Distance with Google Earth

My recent post on Nephi’s three-day journey, the leg of Lehi’s Trail that reaches the River Laman in the Valley of Lemuel, discussed the significance of Exodus themes in Nephi’s…

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The Last Supper
Posted in Bible Book of Mormon Christianity covenants Doctrine Faith Greek Restoration

“That Thy Faith Fail Not”

  In studying the final days of Christ’s life, I was struck by the implications of Christ’s kind teachings to Peter to prepare him for what was to come. He…

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Posted in Ancient Near East Antiquity Bible Book of Mormon Books Charity Christianity covenants Critics Doctrine Evidence Faith Gospel of Jesus Christ Greek history Repentance Restoration

Relational Faith: An Essential Book for Understanding “Faith” as Used in New Testament Times and for Appreciating the Restoration

There’s a new book, Brent Schmidt’s Relational Faith, that may be one of the best resources around to help Latter-day Saints and perhaps many other Christians understand and explain what…

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Posted in Bible Book of Abraham Christianity Evidence Faith Gospel of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Repentance Resurrection Sacrifice The Church

The Light of Christ and the Birth of Christ

This is the short message I gave near the end of the musical Christmas Devotional for the Appleton, Wisconsin Stake on Dec. 24, 2022 in Neenah, Wisconsin. The Light of…

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Posted in freedom health Scholarship Science

Science as a Faith: Do We Need Another Restoration?

One of our nation’s leading bodies of scientific influence, the Center for Disease Control, is citing their recent scientific study — as are their media allies like the New York…

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Posted in health Industry

Faith, Insurance, and Blessings from Disappointment: How Bad Programming Made Me Healthier

Update, May 13, 2023: Disregard my endorsement of Liberty Healthshare. My experience with them was very disappointing. I learned that very little was covered and just getting reimbursed for my…

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Posted in government health Stories Surviving

Faith, Insurance, and Blessings from Disappointment: How Bad Programming Made Me Healthier

Sometimes our little setbacks or disappointments can open doors for big steps forward. One frustration and disappointment with my return to the US after 9 years in China was discovering…

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Posted in COVID government health Humor Society

“The Chicken Sacrifices Are Working!” A Novel Approach for Coping with COVID-19

Sacrificial victims in Hong Kong, a low-COVID-19 city. “It’s not any lockdown that’s taming the virus,” Ollie explained to me in our interview. “It’s the chicken sacrifices. This would be…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Family

A Subtle Book of Mormon Tribute to Single Mothers?

In Alma 53, the 2000  young “stripling warriors” from converted Lamanite families heroically assist the Nephites in a difficult time of war and turn the tide. Their great faith and…

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