Two Jaredite Names in the Book of Mormon

The Jaredite name Kish is discussed by Bruce Warren in an article at suggesting that there is evidence of this name being used in Mesoamerica. According to Warren:

Before the development of this method of translation, little more than dates could be deciphered from archaeological findings. With the new procedures, however, significant new information is now coming to light. For example, the name of the Jaredite king Kish, as well as his birthday, birthplace, and the day he ascended to the throne, may have been deciphered.

On the Tablet of the Cross at Palenque are found engravings that trace the genealogy of Kan Balam, the son of King Pacal, who is buried in the great tomb there. Among the names of Kan Balam’s royal ancestors is found what may be the full name of King Kish_U-Kish Kan, an ancient king of the Olmec culture.

Kan means serpent. One of the meanings of Kish is feathered. Now that the Maya code is being deciphered, the name of U-Kish Kan has been translated as “he of the feathered serpent.”

This symbolic connection between U-Kish Kan with the feathered serpent suggests a relationship to Jesus Christ, whom the Jaredites knew to be the Mesoamerican Messiah or the white god of Mesoamerica who is also known as “the feathered serpent.”

Interestingly, while looking up some information on the well established Mesoamerican name Xul, known both among the Olmecs and the Mayans (a relatively common name, still in use, as I understand – it was also the name of a Mayan month), I found it is also preceded by the term “Kan” in another person’s name from Palenque, as shown on the page or at a page from the Colorado School of Mines. Xul is pronounced as “Shule” and may correspond with the Jaredite name Shule in the Book of Mormon.

There are many other Book of Mormon names that appear to be authentic ancient Semitic names. It’s interesting that tentative links to Mesoamerican names are also beginning to appear. An understanding of ancient Mesoamerica is many years behind our knowledge of the ancient Hebrews, of course – stay patient and stay tuned.


Author: Jeff Lindsay

1 thought on “Two Jaredite Names in the Book of Mormon

  1. Jeff,

    (I previously enjoyed your site on the place bountiful)

    Have you checked out claims that the legendary lost city of Altlantis was in Bolivia.

    The words Atl and Antis have both been discovered to mean Copper and Water. So the city seemed to be named after the mining activities which was described by Plato as was the townscape of the city which inluded canals. The city itself was actually built inside walls that kept out the water.

    Some guy on a Discovery Channel programme seemd to prove its exact location. The reed ships of Bolivia which are still made today seemed among the most impressive information on the programme. Of course the fact that lakes nearby the presume site of Altantis contain huge amounts of as yet unexplained archeaological treasures is also an impressive fact.

    Some of my own personal feelings are that ancient Lamanites traded cocaine with the Egyptians and that their conflict with the Greeks may have been an ancient drugs war.

    The Book of Mormon depiction of the coming of the Saviour causing destruction and change on the face of the land probably explains how lost city became destroyed.

    But, what of the 300 year reign of the Children of Christ from 33AD to presuambly approx 330AD. Wouldn’t they have built great cities – however the gold plates had only a small part translated so there is much more that we don’t know.

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