I Thought Utah Was a Friendly Place for Job Seekers

Human resources departments in corporations sometimes are accused of being impersonal, even harsh, as if those in charge of hiring just see job applicants as something to chew up and spit out. That’s a terribly unfair stereotype, of course, and I surely hope that it doesn’t apply to typical corporations in Utah, that cheerful and employee-friendly state – right? That’s why I’m puzzled over the employment page of a Utah firm that’s been in the news recently. Is Sarcos Corporation making some kind of subtle statement with the design of that page? And is this representative of other Utah firms? I mean, Utah is a happy, friendly place, right??

Any of you readers from Sarcos? I’d be interested in your comments. Are you getting a lot of applications based on this page design?

In fairness to Sarcos, let me point out that they sound like one of the more exciting companies in the U.S., and that the theme of their employment page is surely more a reflection on the cool robotics that they have developed rather than a preview of how applicants will be welcomed by H.R. But perhaps their Webmaster might consider if other subliminal messages might be conveyed….


Author: Jeff Lindsay

15 thoughts on “I Thought Utah Was a Friendly Place for Job Seekers

  1. Nope. Sorry to disabuse you of that notion, but Utah is among the very WORST places to work. In fact, Utah work environments rank in the bottom four of the entire United States. A study was just released proving this.

    That aside, that’s a pretty funny work advertisement page. Sorta proves what the survey I’ve posted below states, however.


  2. That email works – but I get SO MUCH email that I can’t answer many messages as fast as people would like.

  3. Thanks for the comments, Natalie. Interesting article. On the positive side, it’s always great to see that there are even worse places to work!

    FYI, the survey results are clearly erroneous: Wisconsin was not in the top 5. It’s a fabulous place to work. And the Appleton area is clearly one of the best places in the world to live. If you’re an engineer or scientist interested in working for a great company out here like Kimberly-Clark, send me your resume!

  4. I’ve worked in many states in the country, including Utah. To say that Utah is among the worst places to work is ridiculous. I’ve seen no correlation between states and workplaces. It’s individual for companies.

  5. Jeff,
    MailWasher from Firetrust is great. If you have a full-time broadband connection, you set it up to sweep your POP3 mailbox every so often and delete spam before you even download it into your regular mail program.

  6. ANON of 5:49 am has it partially right. It is partially dependent upon the company. However, there is a glut of high quality, well educated professionals who want to live in Utah that removes pressure on employers to offer high salaries, great benefits and plush offices (or nowadays plush cubes.) Having worked in three different states, including Utah, I that found companies outside of Utah had to offer higher salaries and better benefits to attract quality employees. Until large corporations recognize this cheap, well educated labor pool and quit being Mormonophobes (cool non-word, huh?), the demand for great jobs will outstrip the supply.

  7. Schuyler wrote: “Until large corporations recognize this cheap, well educated labor pool and quit being Mormonophobes (cool non-word, huh?), the demand for great jobs will outstrip the supply.”

    Did you mean that corporations should move to Utah or open offices in Utah to take advantage of the labor pool there?

  8. Jeff, here’s an idea for a thread.

    Big city public schools are atrocious. I have no qualms in saying that sending your children to a big city public school, such as Indianapolis Public Schools, is tantamount to child abuse. (There are only a few exceptions with a couple “magnet” schools in town.)

    Problems that are common in IPS include: drug use, drug dealing, promiscuity, prostitution, gangs, violence, intimidation, and almost constant disruption in the classrooms that prevents learning.

    Those things would be totally unacceptable in suburban schools, or in smaller cities were more civilized values prevail.

    This may be incorrect, but I’ve been told that LDS church leaders have encouraged members to send their children to public schools for K through 12, and not to private schools, and not to form private schools intended mainly for LDS children.

    However, if there is such a policy, or even a formal or informal recommendation, that policy is not in effect overseas, as I’ve read that there are LDS-affiliate schools for children up through grade 12 in some foreign countries.

    Are you aware if there was such a formal or informal recommendation from the Brethren about not sending your kids to private school in the US? Or against LDS parents banding together and creating private schools that would cater to (though not be exclusively for) LDS children?

    I’ve seen the devasting effect that public school environments have on LDS kids. Parents, especially single moms or part-member couples, just don’t seem to have the time or resources to constantly counter what goes on at IPS.

    When I was involved in a crime-watch program, I had some interaction with the nearest IPS high school. I was totally shocked about what went on, and how the administration buried their head in the sand about it.

    It’s my belief that if LDS parents, and of course non-LDS parents who hold similar family values, were to find out what really goes on at IPS, they’d pull their children out immediately.

    To borrow from a movie, my suggestion would be to “nuke it and start from scratch”, but since there apparently aren’t enough family-value families in the IPS school district to effect meaningful changes, the only options seem to be to move, or start new private schools.

    Has the time come for CES to open up grade schools, middle schools, and high schools in those cities where the public schools are destroying our children? If my opinions of IPS are anywhere near accurate, I’d say yes.

    If the Brethren were to ask me how to keep from losing 2/3rd’s of our church-born youth to inactivity by the time they graduate high school, this would be my answer.

    Is that the correct figure, or is it 2/3rd’s by the time they turn 21?

  9. Books of Mormon in Indy,

    Moving offices to Utah would be more likely. Nearly every one of my non-lds friends who have visited SLC commented about how clean and friendly it was, and that they wouldn’t mind living there.

    The main complaint I have heard is the strict liquor laws. However, once they realize they can still buy booze and that DWI incidents are substantially lower than neighboring states, they drop this objection.

    Their main concern, however, was the stereotypical belief that Utah is a church run state that forces non-members to obey church commandments.

    I moved to Utah after my mission and absolutely loved it for the 11 years I lived their. I have yet to find the high quality workforce I experienced while living there. I’m not sure what can be done to attract major employers. One thought I’ve had, though, is this is the Lord’s way of forcing Saints to move to other locations to spread the influence of the Church. Our area has gained great strength from young couples moving into our area from Utah.

  10. Schuyler: I think (and maybe you do too) that it’s more important for Utah Mormons who have just graduated from college to move OUT of Utah, than it is for non-Mormons to move TO Utah.

    Maybe there could be something in the BYU student application wherein if you are a member, and go to BYU, and then don’t move out of Utah for at least 5 years after graduation, you have to pay the church back for the cost of the education that isn’t covered by your tuition (endowment or whatever they call it.)

    There are hundreds of strong stakes, outside of the Intermountain West, where Utah Mormons could feel at home.

    And for those who prefer small towns, there are plenty of one-ward cities, and cities with one branch that could use some more seeding with faithful saints.

    For singles activities, I think a city with two stakes based in it (though each stake’s boundaries may encompass surrounding areas in opposite directions) is sort of the minimum if you’re looking for a good critical mass of datable and marriagable singles.

    Here in the midwest, outside of major cities, a single stake is often just too spread out, or doesn’t have the critical mass of singles. If you can get everyone within 30 to 45 minutes drive of activities, that generates a lot more participation.

    Something is wrong with Indianapolis in this regard. We have 2 stakes based here and each encompasses outlying areas. However, Columbus Ohio, which is about the same size as Indianapolis, has 4 stakes.

    There are temples in all surrounding states: one in Columbus Ohio, one in Detroit Michigan, two in Illinois, one in Louisville Kentucky, two in Tennessee (thought TN is not continguous with Indiana).

    There are temples all around, but somehow we got left out. We didn’t build up the kingdom enough here I guess.

  11. Hello everyone. I just happened upon this subject as I was, oddly enough, researching the Mormon influence in Utah. I’m from Michigan, born and raised, and I attend Michigan Tech. I’ll be graduating in May with a Mechanical Engineering degree.

    I’m flying out to Salt Lake City tomorrow morning for a job interview on Monday with United States Gypsum. They are located in Sigurd, which I’m told is approximately 2.5 hours south of Salt Lake. If anyone has any comments on the area or the culture, I’d be all ears. I’ve never been West of Minnesota, so needless to say, I have no idea what to expect. Thanks!


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