Posted in Book of Mormon Evidence Gospel of Jesus Christ International Miracles MIssionary work Prayer Service Stories

“Here, Take My Camera”: Responding to the Miraculous Message and Convincing Power of the Book of Mormon

The Shanghai International District Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was held March 17 and 18, 2018, in Shanghai. The highlight by far was the musical…

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Posted in Gratitude Miracles Society

Christmas Coincidences, or the Blessings of Bureaucracy

If we were more skilled in listening to inspiration from the Lord and more diligent in seeking it, the Lord might not need to use so many blunt techniques to…

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Posted in Family Miracles Temple Travel

A Proud Mother and a Little Miracle in the Snowy Chaos of Portland

Sunday services in Shanghai were terrific, as almost always. I got to attend sacrament meetings in two wards and was touched by inspiring talks in both from a strong variety…

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Posted in Baptism children Events Family Miracles MIssionary work Service

A Winter of Miracles

The past few weeks have been a winter of miracles for me, and I wish to express my wonder and gratitude. One of the top blessings was the baptism of…

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Posted in Faith Leadership Miracles Prophets Travel

Confirming a Small but Meaningful Miracle from President Monson’s Life

In his October 2011 General Conference address, “Stand in Holy Places,” President Thomas S. Monson shared an experience as a small part of his talk that I find instructive in…

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Posted in Faith Gospel of Jesus Christ Miracles Prayer

Trivial Miracles and Petty Prayer: How the Accuser Teaches a Man Not to Pray

Sometimes we create our own barriers to spiritual experiences. Many people, including some Latter-day Saints, struggle with the notion that God would or could answer individual prayers, especially those dealing…

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Posted in China Faith Gratitude Miracles Service Stories Surviving

Yes, Cookies Can Matter

I want to share a story that might be helpful the next time you wonder if your little acts of kindness, like baking cookies for someone else, really make a…

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Posted in history Media Miracles Movies War

17 Miracles: A Film About More Than Just a Handcart Company

While visiting family in Salt Lake City yesterday, I was able to view the film 17 Miracles. First, the camera work was outstanding as was the acting and directing, IMHO….

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Posted in China Friends Gratitude Miracles The Church Travel

Rejoicing in China: The Best Two Years (?) of My Life

It’s actually been less than a year, but it could easily be two, three, or even four based on the number of adventures and blessings I’ve experienced here. It’s been…

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Posted in Faith Gospel of Jesus Christ Miracles Prayer Service

Two “Easy” Ways to Get Answers to Prayers

Back in my days at BYU, ahortly after gatting married, I was quite happy to be part of a local “city ward,” the Provo Ninth Ward – Hugh Nibley’s home…

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