When Bad Meetings Happen to Good People: Insights from the Scriptures

From the scriptures, we can infer that a meeting or council occurred a time or two in the eons before we were born. Now in mortality, meetings are much more frequent. And painful. So many of us mourn and wonder, “Why is this meeting happening to me?” There is, however, purpose in the sufferings of the flesh. Ultimately we must remember the words of Christ in Matthew 24:13: “He that endures to the end, the same will be saved.” If that applies to mortality, surely it at least applies to ward council or stake conference.

As for the punishment that is meted out to the wicked, we must also remember the mercy of relief that is promised. Drawing upon Doctrine and Covenants 19, we understand that it is not written endless meetings, but rather eternal meetings, which though eternal in nature need only be endured for a finite span, perhaps a thousand years or so, or so it often seems.

May we make our meetings more effective and better planned, that we may not be the cause of needless pain, that others might not despair and cry out, “What, no agenda? And why must we endure this chitchat that could have been handled with a phone call or email?” Remember, “inasmuch as we have done this meeting unto one of these the least of your brethren, ye have done it unto me.”


Author: Jeff Lindsay

7 thoughts on “When Bad Meetings Happen to Good People: Insights from the Scriptures

  1. It says that in the SCRIPTURES?! Where have these verses been all my life? Now I've got some good material when I'm asked to share a thought before Ward Council!

    I think I should organize some sort of get-together with fellow ward leaders to discuss how best we can apply these teachings to our meetings. It shouldn't take too long 😛

  2. The Preacher must have endured his share of meetings as well, for in Ecclesiastes he writes, "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof."

    — Eveningsun

  3. Excellent post!
    You hit the nail on the head and in regard to our meetings I have said the following for many years:
    In our church if you are called to teach, we will train you to teach.
    If you are called to a position of leadership, we will provide you with leadership training.
    If you are called to speak, we will provide you with nothing except the poor examples that have passed for speaking in years before.
    (Note – we will still expect non-members to be thrilled with the Spirit of our meetings.)
    – Michael J. Snider
    Castle Rock, CO

  4. 14th Article of Faith:

    We believe in meetings, all that have been scheduled, all that are now scheduled, and we believe that there will yet be many great and important meetings scheduled. We have endured many meetings and hope to be able to endure all meetings. Indeed, we may say that if there is a meeting or anything that resembles a meeting or anything that we may possibly turn into a meeting, we seek after these things.

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