Mexico City, Anyone?

Any of you in Mexico City or familiar with it? I have to be there for a few days soon and would appreciate any tips on favorite archaeological sites (have seen Teotihuacan already), LDS activities, great places for photography, etc.


Author: Jeff Lindsay

4 thoughts on “Mexico City, Anyone?

  1. Jeff,

    You should definitely check out the Museo Archeologico, the Zocalo (city center) and cathedral, along with the Cathedral (or Villa) of Guadalupe. Those are three “musts” if you haven’t been to them before. I served there from ’98-2000, so that’s about the extent of my tourist activity, aside from some other ruins and Teothicuacan (sp).

    Enjoy the monolith!

  2. Mexico City. My home teachers, a husband and wife team whom I adored, saved up and planned their life as elder missionaries after getting their youngest child off to college and onto his mission. He was a former stake president; she was the choir director in our ward, and they were both unbelievably musically talented and completely dedicated to the church. The sold their house, lived temporarily in an apartment (much to their chagrin), and then their mission finally came through. Mexico City, working in the temple. They were so excited, and invited us to definitely go visit them there. Their last visit, they gave my daughter and I both an “El Libro de Mormon” so that we could learn some Spanish. They left a few weeks before to tour the US and visit family and friends before reporting to Salt Lake City.

    Then it was discovered that she had lung cancer. Within months, she died, without them ever getting to their missionary destination.

    So I guess it wasn’t meant to be. Sorry for lamenting on your site, Jeff, but I can’t ever think of Mexico City just as somewhere in Mexico ever again.

  3. Oh Jeff were to start!! I would go to the city centre and visit the Palacio Nacional, Templo Mayor and visit pretty much of the city centre. It has a lot of barroque architecture, know as colonial I would also recommend the Palacio de las Bellas Artes, Correo Mayor (which is just aside from Bellas Artes). The Castillo de Chapultepec is another site, as well as Museo de Arqueologia, both are walking distance from each other. Those are quite the tourist places. If you are venturous, you could go south, to the Lago de Xochimilco and eat in one of the chinampas. Also, you could go to a mercado (anyone) and eat there real tacos, not the rubbish thing of Taco Bell. I love Coyoacan a very nice centre with a gorgeous cathedral. You could also go to Plaza Garibaldi to listen some mariachi music. Obviously, you can pay a visit to the Mexico City Temple, but I guess you already had that in mind 😉 Most of these things you can get by using the Metro or the underground (subway). I do not know how many days you will stay in Mexico City, I hope that your journey will be a pleasant one. As with all major cities, take all the necessary precautions.

    Sherry: I am sorry to hear about the death of such a beloved friend. Please do not hold grudges to a land and a city that would have embraced them dearly. The Mexico City temple is quite dear to me as I was sealed to my wife there. It is so beautiful. Negative experiences might provide a bias against certain places/people, yet a detached observation would render a more objective view and possible elimination of the grief and the pain that was suffered previously.

  4. Check out the Mormon High School there, Benemerito de las Americas. My grandparents served a mission there teaching English to students. It’s a really cool facility

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