Religious Fervor at the Polls Leads to Miracles in Wisconsin

Wisconsin has been a inundated in religious frenzy far greater than anything Joseph Smith saw before the First Vision, stirred up by regular visits from Bush and Kerry, and endless preaching from their ministers, speaking of hellfire and damnation if we make the wrong choice. (Sincere seekers wonder which of all these parties is true? I believe the answer is a familiar one. . . .) The origins may not be divine in our case, but we are witnessing supernatural results as a result of political faith.

Supernatural? You bet. Quiet little Appleton, according to tonight’s newspaper is experiencing a 125% turnout of its registered voters. I think much higher turnouts will be experienced in other parts of the state. Milwaukee’s city leaders insisted on printing 900,000 ballots to handle the turnout from its population of 400,000 and its base of about 150,000 eligible voters.

With the outpouring of election miracles in this state, we may see over 10 million votes from our 5.5 million inhabitants. I think it will be 65% for Bush, and 72% for Kerry – another miracle, to be sure. How is it possible? I don’t know, but it is getting awfully close to the resurrection. One organization representing deceased voters may provide part of the answer.


Author: Jeff Lindsay

1 thought on “Religious Fervor at the Polls Leads to Miracles in Wisconsin

  1. The miracles happened in Ohio, too. One little county with 630 people voting managed to generate over 4,000 votes for President Bush. And this is not just an ancient story from mysterious scriptures – it’s a current story from AP News – with living witnesses!

    Kind of sends a chill up your spine, doesn’t it? At last, proof that miracles are real!

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