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Janus Parallelism: Book of Mormon Hints? Part 4

As an addendum to the Janus parallelism issues recently raised here (see “Janus Parallelism in the Hebrew Bible: Could It Also Be in the Book of Mormon?” and “Janus Parallelism,…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Evidence Hebrew language wordplays

Janus Parallelism: Book of Mormon Hints? Part 3

In Part 1 and Part 2, we looked at a total of 7 possibilities for Janus parallelism in the Book of Mormon, relying primarily on examples identified by Scott Noegel…

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Janus Parallelism: Book of Mormon Hints? Part 2

In Part 1, we looked at some tentative possibilities for Janus parallelism in the Book of Mormon, drawing upon examples identified by Scott Noegel in his masterful work, Janus Parallelisms…

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Janus Parallelism: Book of Mormon Hints? Part 1

In my previous post on Janus parallelism in the Hebrew Bible, I noted that if this poetical technique were used by any Book of Mormon authors, it would be very…

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Posted in Ancient Near East Book of Mormon Evidence Hebrew language poetry Scholarship

Janus Parallelism in the Hebrew Bible: Could It Also Be in the Book of Mormon?

One of the most interesting books that I have read recently is Scott B. Noegel’s excellent research work, Janus Parallelism in the Book of Job (Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Academic Press,…

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