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Heroic Salt Lake Woman Stands Up for Law, Order, and a Patient’s Rights — and Gets Arrested by Salt Lake Police

I am a law and order guy. I was raised in a family with a mother who had a “Support Your Local Police” bumper sticker on our car, and I…

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For the Glory, the Biography of Eric Liddell: Why a Gold Medalist Gave Up Everything for God and China

You may have seen the highly acclaimed movie Chariots of Fire about the 1924 Olympics victory of Eric Liddell (rhymes with “riddle”), the Scottish runner and devout Christian who was…

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Chewed Out Some People Today–And Stirred Up a Bitter Memory of Failure on Mission Street

A Time to Speak Out As a stranger and guest in China, I’ve tried very hard to not make a fuss and generally just quietly accept the way (or rather,…

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