Posted in Book of Mormon Book of Moses language Scripture Witnesses

To Bear Testimony: Insights on a Popular Latter-day Saint Phrase and Its Connections to Modern Scripture and Early Modern English

Latter-day Saints often use the verb “bear” with “testimony” when expressing their religious conviction, as in “I’d like to bear my testimony that I know that Jesus Christ lives and…

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The Evolution of Language and the Book of Mormon

Friday, if all goes well, I’ll have an article published at The Interpreter that evaluates the current status of fascinating status Orson Scott card made about the Book of Mormon…

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Linguist John S. Robertson Reviews Brian Stubbs’ Work on Uto-Aztecan Languages and the Evidence for Old World Influence

“Exploring Semitic and Egyptian in Uto-Aztecan Languages” by Dr. John S. Robertson was just published in the Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture. This is a review of Stubbs’ recent…

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Posted in Ancient Near East Book of Mormon Books Egyptian Evidence Hebrew Israel language Mesoamerica Scholarship Translation

Uto-Aztecan and Its Connection to Near Eastern Languages, Part 3: The Egyptian Infusion, Plus the Explanatory Power of Stubbs’ Framework

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, we introduced examples of cognates characteristic of two Semitic infusions into Uto-Aztecan, named by Stubbs as the Semitic-p and Semitic-kw infusions,…

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Uto-Aztecan and Its Connection to Near Eastern Languages, Part 1: A Credible Proposal from Brian Stubbs?

In a previous post, “Bigger Than Nahom?,” I mentioned that the “next big thing” in LDS apologetics could well be the thoroughly documented discovery of Brian D. Stubbs that there…

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Bigger Than Nahom? The Surprising Link Between Semitic Languages and the Uto-Aztecan Language Family

When asked what the most impressive evidence is for Book of Mormon authenticity, serious students of the Book of Mormon often point to one of a small handful of items:…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Egyptian Evidence Hebrew language Scholarship

Robert F. Smith and the Preposterous Book of Mormon

Having raised the issue of linguistics and Book of Mormon evidence in my last post, let me point to an intriguing recent presentation with some weighty discoveries relevant to the…

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Internal Book of Mormon Evidence: The Lesson of Proto-Indo-European (Guest Post from Jamie Huston of Gently Hew Stone)

The following post is kindly provided by Jamie Huston, author of the blog Gently Hew Stone, where it was previously published. The points he makes are straightforward and valuable, and…

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Book of Mormon cover
Posted in Book of Mormon chiasmus dust Evidence language poetry

Dusting Off a Famous Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon, Alma 36

Executive Summary In exploring Noel Reynolds’ hypothesis that some material in the Book of Moses may have been present on the brass plates that Nephi used, I wondered if Nephi…

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New Twists in the Debate Over Book of Mormon Origins

The Book of Mormon has long been a controversial book to the world, but we must also recognize that it is increasingly controversial within the Church. The debate over its…

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