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Don’t Ignore Complexity: A Broad Look at a Basic Book of Mormon Issue

The more complex a machine is, the more beautiful and awe-inspiring it can be. Great Swiss watches, though far beyond my budget, inspire me with their craft and brilliance. In…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Evidence Scholarship Translation

FairMormon 2017 Conference, Day Two

Day two of the FairMormon 2017 Conference offered another series of outstanding speakers with messages covering a broad spectrum of topics. (See also my summary of day one.) Ben Spackman…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Evidence history Mesoamerica Scholarship

Evidence At Last: The Many Aspects of John Lloyd Stephens’ Work That Strengthened Mormons in the 1840s

A delightful trend in modern Book of Mormon criticism today is to scour books, articles, and maps for information that hypothetically could have aided Joseph Smith in fabricating many of…

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An Old Map Offers More Potential Evidence on Joseph’s Views on Book of Mormon Lands

On this blog, I’ve previously discussed statements showing Joseph Smith’s views in support of Mesoamerica as the primary location for Book of Mormon events in the New World. Thanks to…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Evidence Geography Mesoamerica Problems Scholarship

More Thoughts on the Heartland Model of Book of Mormon Geography

The Book of Mormon Archeology Foundation ( has a handy short list of major flaws with the recent “Heartland Model” for Book of Mormon geography. While most LDS scholars who grapple…

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Posted in Arabian Peninsula Book of Mormon Evidence

The Arabian Peninsula and the Book of Mormon: Jedidiah Morse Explains All?

Here is a portion of Jedidiah Morse’s 1828 map of Asia showing the Arabian Peninsula (available from the David Rumsey collection of historic maps). So if Joseph somehow managed to…

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