The “Secret” Mormon Handbook of Instructions

I’m amazed at all the howling about the Church trying to prevent the theft of its copyrighted Handbook of Instructions for Leaders. Critics are scowling about our use of a “secret” book – how insidious. Look, virtually every institution has confidential materials meant for leaders. Don’t other churches have training materials and guidelines for their pastors and other leaders that are not meant for everyone to see? And if their critics have a knack for violating not just the principles of civility and basic ethics, but also the law in their theft and publication of someone else’s materials without permission, should the victims just roll over or take action to protect their rights?

The Church’s efforts to train its many unpaid leaders and maintain uniform standards and guidelines requires instructional materials for those leaders. There are numerous copies of these handbooks floating around in every Stake of the Church. I’ve read it and think it is a healthy, inspired document that demonstrates that the purpose of the Church is to bless the lives of its members. But details of decision making, use of welfare funds, guidelines on dealing with serious sin, etc., are simply not meant for general consumption.

The latest effort at publishing the LDS Handbook of Instructions doesn’t seem motivated by religious bigotry, as it has been in previous attempts by anti-Mormons, but by profit seeking. “We’re the good guys trying to expose the dread secrets of Mormonism, and now the Church is so scared that they are suing us! Come see youself and click on our revenue-generating ads.” The Streisand effect kicks in here, with the (predictable) action of the Church leading to more publicity and traffic, but if you don’t protect your rights, they will be violated by everybody.

As an aside, regarding previous publication efforts by well known anti-Mormons, I have to say that some antis have a disturbing track record of publishing other people’s materials. So interesting that some of the voices who cry “plagiarism! plagiarism!” when trying to discount the Book of Mormon have a business model of illegally publishing the material of others.

Got to run – need to check my eBay bids for an authentic copy of the 1994 secret handbook of instructions for Southern Baptist ministers. And if any of you can lend me your copy of the secret handbook of instructions for the Red Cross, Planned Parenthood, or the Barack Obama Presidential Campaign, let me know.


Author: Jeff Lindsay

88 thoughts on “The “Secret” Mormon Handbook of Instructions

  1. I have a hard time seeing how wikileaks is claiming that this is a first amendment issue. The first amendment prevents government restraint on leaks. By the church taking legal action here, which we don’t know whether for sure it will happen, would only be about enforcing its copyright. 15 USC

    Using the recent comments about Tolkien’s works, if I were to take a copyrighted material like the Hobbit and then post it on a website, would anyone question whether that was a first amendment issue?

    I have read significant parts of the manual and there is nothing jaw dropping there. I agree with Jeff’s comment that it is mostly to help lay clergy to act uniformly in regards to difficult matters. If there was no correlated manual like this, it could lead to a situation where some Bishops would choose to marry gay couples while others won’t (sounds familiar?). Correlated materials such as these make sure that there is order in all things.

  2. I enjoyed the Slashdot furor over this. The Slashdot community is really dialed in on Scientology and its hyper-secret documents so the focus was on comparing Mormon secrecy to Scientology’s secrecy, and extrapolating to the point you are validating that all businesses have leadership documents so all churches are businesses.

    A reoccurring theme of the Slashdot thread was that there was really nothing controversial about the manual and how sensitive and balanced it was.

  3. I have read it a few years ago, and most of it was rather boring, I don’t see what the big deal is in the first place.

    Second point I will make is that all the church is doing is drawing even more awareness and curiosity, which ironically will draw even more people to seek it out than normal. And I think that it is futile to keep something secret anymore. Once something is out on the internet, there is no stopping it.

  4. Zelph,

    It may be futile to keep people from publishing proprietary material on the web, but that doesn’t mean there’s no point in protecting the church’s copyright. If they didn’t act now but in the future wanted to stop more egregious actions (say, changing or parodying the handbook and trying to pass off the fake as the original) there could possibly be some legal penalty to having previously slept on their rights.

  5. If the Church decides to press forward with a lawsuit, it should only be over the copyright issue, and the Church and it’s lawyers should be clear on that issue. As far as the specifics over what’s in the publication, the Church should have nothing to hide or be ashamed of, just stating that it is indeed a guide meant to assist the leaders in making difficult decisions regarding the members they have stewardship over. Making a huge stink over it just gives recognition points to these groups who make their name in muckraking.

  6. I like it. Active, temple worthy, I’ve spent my last thirty years talking to people that tell me that the Church I know isn’t the “REAL” church and it’s not like I know it. Come to find out the secret’s out! Come See! We’re boring as toast.

    Kind of slams the Antis, Huh?

  7. I’m an investigator and I keep an eye on this site and figured I would comment on this one.

    As with any organization theres going to be some handbook. I went out to and flipped through the 198 pages. Did I read it all? Nope because I would be asleep right now instead of writting this its so boring.

    But I did read the highlights and the church discipline part and its no big deal.

    This is a non-issue in my opinion.

  8. I remember the first Conference I ever saw and recall that not only did I really like it, but it struck on so many levels as to how ‘normal’ it was. The talks dealt with normal everyday living and gave wonderful suggestions on how to put the priciples of the Gospel into practice.

    I was also very impressed the first time I learned about the lesson plans and instruction manuals. Paul said there were to be no divisions, and what a great way to make sure everyone is on the same page (pun intended)! It is so logical to have every church ward and branch teaching the same lesson the same week no matter where you are in the world.

    And how refreshing to have a Church that actually takes sin seriously and expects its members to live up to high moral standards!

    The Gospel SHOULD be normal and practical.

    And all that said, the Church should enforce its copyright.

  9. I find the whole thing puzzling, personally.
    Sure, the Church has a right to sue for copyright infringements.
    What I don’t get it why anyone would want to put it on the internet with a “look– here’s the real scoop on the mormons” kind of motivation.
    What’s the big deal to them? It’s not like anything in there is a ‘secret’. They’re not “outing” anything. It’s just that it isn’t necessary for every member to have one– it’s for administration purposes. It spells out the duties for each calling, the policies and procedures regarding tithing, insurance, church courts, etc, etc. It’s like reading the bylaws for any other institution.
    What was their purpose in posting on the net? People are strange…

  10. I just read the article you linked Jeff.

    This group, or Mr Assange at least, certainly likes to twist things and make them sound different from the way they really are. Either that, or he only gets his information from non-members who wouldn’t know the truth anyway, or disgruntled members or ex-members who are just looking for a way to be nasty toward the church.

    He told the reporter that they were “releasing the secret version of the church’s Handbook of Instructions” — the “secret” version? Give me a break.

    The materials, not available even to most Mormons, included information on how the church hierarchy deals with matters of discipline, excommunication and apostasy.

    Clearly, these people have no idea what they’re talking about.
    The handbooks are given to the leaders of EVERY congregation in every city of every country in the world where the Church exists. And all these lay people are replaced rather frequently and the book gets handed to their successor. The president of each auxiliary in each congregation is given the book and their counselors are given the specific section that pertains to their auxiliary. So for each congregation we’re talking about 12 people getting the whole book for priesthood and auxiliary leaders and upwards of 20 OTHERS getting copies of the sections of the book that pertain to their specific callings. And that’s in EVERY congregation. Plus, the people in these callings get rotated frequently.

    Heck, if the same people stayed in a congregation for a 10-15 year period, its very possible that every active member of the congregation would have had a copy of the handbook for a period of time.

    The notion that the handbook is secret and isn’t available to most members of the Church is disingenuine, since most active members will have had a copy at some point in their life.

    Book 1 is for the Stake presidencies and Bishopric, but it specifically states in the books introduction, “However, other stake and ward leaderw may have access to this information as needed for reference”

    Nothing in it is secret at all.
    It’s simply a book for administrative purposes, so only those in administrative positions have a copy, until they get replaced and then they turn it over to the next person.

    And as for Mr. Assagne’s comment that women can’t have a copy…
    hellOOO??? Women are the heads of three of the auxiliaries. They get a handbook.
    Clearly, he didn’t read it before he posted it, otherwise he’d know that.

    I’m a woman–I had all of Book 2 when I was Primary president, and now as 2nd counselor in the Stake Young Women, I have the section of Book 2 that pertains to YW, and can access all of Book 2, and even Book 1 when and if I need it.

  11. Cassandra said:
    “If they didn’t act now but in the future wanted to stop more egregious actions (say, changing or parodying the handbook and trying to pass off the fake as the original) there could possibly be some legal penalty to having previously slept on their rights.”

    Actually, the right to Parody is protected by Copyright law as a fair use. From what I understand, at least the way I’ve seen it enforced, is that it has to be a parody intended specifically to comment upon or criticize the original work, and cannot be a likeness used to criticize something else.

  12. Allow me to take the Devil’s Advocate for a moment.

    If the material within the book is unobjectionable, why is it a problem if others post it on the internet? Why is it a problem if everyone has access to it? Why doesn’t the LDS church make it more widely available, thus eliminating the ‘expose’ nature that wikileak is taking?

    Apart from the copyright issue involved, is there any other reason why the LDS church would not want this information widely available?

    I say this as an active member who really isn’t interested in the contents of the manual, and whose familiarity with it is zero.

  13. @ Halfcanadian

    There is no reason other then the copyright issue. Let me put it this way. “We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.” That’s the whole point is that there is nothing of interest to anyone but those in the position of Bishop or Stake President, hence it’s simply a blatant case of copyright infringement, not whistle blowing, as there is nothing worth blowing the whistle on.

  14. Let me state at the outset here that I’m not Mormon, although I have studied a fair amount of LDS literature and find that a fair amount of the material has a certain sense of ‘rightness’ about it.

    I went and read the Handbook of Instructions after finding out about the link to Wikileaks. I could find nothing in that entire publication that I would consider to be controversial.

    As an earlier poster mentioned it is nothing more than a set of codified instructions that is meant to ensure that the various levels within the church act uniformly in a given situation.


  15. I can’t wait until someone releases the Secret Version of the Book of Mormon on the net. The one with the prayers to Joseph and the white unicorn. Man, when that gets released then everyone is going to know the “real” Mormon Church.

  16. I started reading Machiavelli years ago to see how twisted and depraved he was, only to find an excellent text on the mechanics of authority structures. There’s something similar here. While I find the LDS faith distasteful (my apologies, I don’t want to tread on anyone else’s faith here), I greatly admire the community it builds. And, by and large, that’s what I see here: an excellent text on helping a group to be inclusive and supportive. The only parts I have a problem with concerns the administration of LDS church policies that I have a problem with – the administration of them seems to be consistent and spot-on.

    And yeah, it’s as boring as anything I’ve read. Which is not really surprising, since it’s a reference tool – how many people get riveted to the IMF semiannual global credit report, or to the instruction manual of an Army helicopter turbine engine? Yep – a poor choice for anyone looking for the kooky things Mormons sometimes do. I still enjoyed flipping through it.

  17. Another reason the church might not want this handbook on the internet (besides the copyright issue) is all the second-guessing that members will do. I believe one of the first things in the book is that revelation to the presiding authority is still necessary — policies can be tailored to local needs through revelation. Bishops probably don’t want to deal with a constant bombardment of “you didn’t do this quite right” or “that’s not what the handbook says” when, in fact, they have the keys to tailor the policies to the situation and need.

  18. .

    THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS DOES HAVE A GOD. MURDUK, ANCIENT BABYLON'S MOST ELEVATED ( GOD ) WAS A CONGEALMEN­T OF ALL THEN EXISTING ( gods ). For sure, the President of the United States appoints all electors put before him, in suggestive implicatio­ns that the National Lawyer's Guild can drum up. Baalim is the plural of all state religious affiliatio­ns that had originated in Canaan long before the ( gods ) of Osis and Osiris gained prominent foot hold in ancient Egypt.All of these pseudo religious ( gods ) were the original out growth of phallus worship. Phallus worshipers ran through King Herod back to the nation of Idumea. The late Pressident­, Herbert Hoover, in his autobiogra­phy 1947, declared that America was in the way of Esau, founder of the Edomites. Edomites made perpetual war on the Israelites­. Webbing all of this informatio­n brings proof that phallus worshipper­s do control America. The Council on Foreign Relations is a front for the Idumeans, locked inbetwixt both republican and democratic parties. This is a one-eyed cyclops that no investigat­ive journalism will ever touch. Karl Marx in his critique of Israel's enemies, actually thought of the toilet as a symbol of an ancient ( god). America is a modern day Babylonia.

    In journalistic trends the word God, which one, is proclaimed on both sides of the fence, this throws up a red flag. Inserted below are ongoing dialogues on two sides of the world. Strange as to how people somehow drag out thier exclusive man-made god (g), in attempting to give clearer vision, on some assertion to be made. Political whoredom has its own ( god ) and generally a schizophrenic one at that. But, there has been a specific ( god ) from ancient times. This special being is of an earthly spirit, bases its home-made perception, that a One World government under a single ruler ship, of aggregated finance, would serve mankind better. The first attempt at this was to transform Russia into a Communist order in 1917. Now, do not be deceived, the ultimate was the final rise of BOLSHEVISM. This system is up and running–it has an iron grip on the United States Republic. If this globalists devised incorporated organized criminality is not put down, then our state will become a nation of slaves, under collective industrial serfdom. The professions will become merely tools in a state of political FASCISM. This is a war—-towards ARMAGEDDEN! It would be wise to choose a CREATOR that has a body, parts and passion. In the film, ” The Hunch Back of Notre Dame “, Torqumoto {?} failed to call on a man-made god, instead he wished that he had been made of stone. The fore runner of BOLSHEVISM is incipient SOCIALSIM, that has taken place in our country.
    Here is food for thought. Most well established churches do receive a freebies from the IRS via tax relief. Indeed, the government determines to what extent pastors, etc; will commit, in order to keep cash on hand, banking


    The most significant fact, between the late Robert Welch, of the pro-Republican party, known as The John Birch Society, established in 1958, and
    Glenn Beck's open support of the New Birth, questionable, Republican move-
    ment. Astounding that both organizations have solidified their presumption, that either have ( god at their sides. The problem is what deity do these politicians serve.

    The John Birch Society was instituted on the principle of progressive industries, functioning free enterprise, without too much interference, from Big Brother, Uncle Sam. This society rested its laurels on one particular individual, John Birch, a man of all colors, serving in the Orient, and near by invested proclivities, as all being tied together politically, socially and militarily. John Birch was originally an alien in a foreign land.Glenn BECK AND ROBERT WELCH are THROWN UNDER THE SAME BUS.

    The John Birch Society was a pro-commie neutralizer, instituted on the principle of progressive industries, functioning free enterprise, without too much interference, from Big Brother, Uncle Sam. This society rested its laurels on one particular individual, John Birch, a man of all colors, serving in the Orient, and near by invested proclivities, as all being tied together politically, socially and militarily. John Birch was originally an alien missionary, at large, in the east. It is assumed that he was a Protestant. It seems that John Birch was connected with the CIA. No further presumption can be made here.

    Finally, he was killed, not in the mission field, but in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is where Robert Welch discovered a source, in creating his new nest, of so-called patriots. Mr. Welch, a retired candy maker, used not only political slogans, to draw citizens into this network of concerned patriots, but made it plain that the Birch Society wanted to appeal to Christians in all walks of life. John Birch's murder was the drawing card.

    We might continue to get away from Mr. Beck for a moment, in recognizing how two pseudo Republican politicians landed under a fully loaded Grey Hound Bus. Believe it or not. Two pseudo republicans had opted to serve several strange ( gods ). Incidentally, the ancient, Socrates, dealt with
    these same elements, ( gods )that man have created politically, in order to congeal, or dismiss mobs that sucker down to pseudo political whoredom's contemporary civilization.

    Mr. Welch with his cohorts, published a book, " The Blue Book " the Bible of that society. in this publication the truth bears fruit. Robert Welch is exposed by is own words. As it goes, Welch gave his opinion that man had descended from apes, Pgs.140-146. Notice, apes did not descend from man.In recent years, a republication took place. The ( APE ) contention has remained

    In investigating for years, it is firmly believed that the Birch Society is a master con job originally financed through a specific Rockefeller foundation. Too, that this organization is nothing less than a Communist front neutralizing any and all Christians who speak openly of the financiaL control that the Rothschilds and their allied banking connections hold on the global economy.

    We now get back to Glenn Beck. this politician uses religion as a meat hook for so-called Christians to feast upon. And too, for all comers in looking for something for nothing via the ballot box. Naturally, their ( gods ) come into play. The problem with Welch and Beck is as to what ( god ) do either worship in order to hold the vast mob's attention. Let's take a peek. The problem with Welch and Beck is as to what ( god ) do either worship in order to hold the vast mob's attention. Let's take a peek


    The most significant fact, between the late Robert Welch, of the pro-Republican party, known as The John Birch Society, established in 1958, and
    Glenn Beck's open support of the New Birth, questionable, Republican move-
    ment. Astounding that both organizations have solidified their presumption, that either have ( god at their sides. The problem is what deity do these politicians serve.

    The John Birch Society was instituted on the principle of progressive industries, functioning free enterprise, without too much interference, from Big Brother, Uncle Sam. This society rested its laurels on one particular individual, John Birch, a man of all colors, serving in the Orient, and near by invested proclivities, as all being tied together politically, socially and militarily. John Birch was originally an alien in a foreign land.Glenn BECK AND ROBERT WELCH are THROWN UNDER THE SAME BUS.

    The John Birch Society was a pro-commie neutralizer, instituted on the principle of progressive industries, functioning free enterprise, without too much interference, from Big Brother, Uncle Sam. This society rested its laurels on one particular individual, John Birch, a man of all colors, serving in the Orient, and near by invested proclivities, as all being tied together politically, socially and militarily. John Birch was originally an alien missionary, at large, in the east. It is assumed that he was a Protestant. It seems that John Birch was connected with the CIA. No further presumption can be made here.

    Finally, he was killed, not in the mission field, but in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is where Robert Welch discovered a source, in creating his new nest, of so-called patriots. Mr. Welch, a retired candy maker, used not only political slogans, to draw citizens into this network of concerned patriots, but made it plain that the Birch Society wanted to appeal to Christians in all walks of life. John Birch's murder was the drawing card.

    We might continue to get away from Mr. Beck for a moment, in recognizing how two pseudo Republican politicians landed under a fully loaded Grey Hound Bus. Believe it or not. Two pseudo republicans had opted to serve several strange ( gods ). Incidentally, the ancient, Socrates, dealt with
    these same elements, ( gods )that man have created politically, in order to congeal, or dismiss mobs that sucker down to pseudo political whoredom's contemporary civilization.

    Mr. Welch with his cohorts, published a book, " The Blue Book " the Bible of that society. in this publication the truth bears fruit. Robert Welch is exposed by is own words. As it goes, Welch gave his opinion that man had descended from apes, Pgs.140-146. Notice, apes did not descend from man.In recent years, a republication took place. The ( APE ) contention has remained

    In investigating for years, it is firmly believed that the Birch Society is a master con job originally financed through a specific Rockefeller foundation. Too, that this organization is nothing less than a Communist front neutralizing any and all Christians who speak openly of the financiaL control that the Rothschilds and their allied banking connections hold on the global economy.

    We now get back to Glenn Beck. this politician uses religion as a meat hook for so-called Christians to feast upon. And too, for all comers in looking for something for nothing via the ballot box. Naturally, their ( gods ) come into play. The problem with Welch and Beck is as to what ( god ) do either worship in order to hold the vast mob's attention. Let's take a peek. The problem with Welch and Beck is as to what ( god ) do either worship in order to hold the vast mob's attention. Let's take a p

  22. The most significant fact, between the late Robert Welch, of the pro-Republican party, known as The John Birch Society, established in 1958, and
    Glenn Beck's open support of the New Birth, questionable, Republican move-
    ment. Astounding that both organizations have solidified their presumption, that either have ( god at their sides. The problem is what deity do these politicians serve.

    The John Birch Society was instituted on the principle of progressive industries, functioning free enterprise, without too much interference, from Big Brother, Uncle Sam. This society rested its laurels on one particular individual, John Birch, a man of all colors, serving in the Orient, and near by invested proclivities, as all being tied together politically, socially and militarily. John Birch was originally an alien in a foreign land.Glenn BECK AND ROBERT WELCH are THROWN UNDER THE SAME BUS.

    The John Birch Society was a pro-commie neutralizer, instituted on the principle of progressive industries, functioning free enterprise, without too much interference, from Big Brother, Uncle Sam. This society rested its laurels on one particular individual, John Birch, a man of all colors, serving in the Orient, and near by invested proclivities, as all being tied together politically, socially and militarily. John Birch was originally an alien missionary, at large, in the east. It is assumed that he was a Protestant. It seems that John Birch was connected with the CIA. No further presumption can be made here.

    Finally, he was killed, not in the mission field, but in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is where Robert Welch discovered a source, in creating his new nest, of so-called patriots. Mr. Welch, a retired candy maker, used not only political slogans, to draw citizens into this network of concerned patriots, but made it plain that the Birch Society wanted to appeal to Christians in all walks of life. John Birch's murder was the drawing card.

    We might continue to get away from Mr. Beck for a moment, in recognizing how two pseudo Republican politicians landed under a fully loaded Grey Hound Bus. Believe it or not. Two pseudo republicans had opted to serve several strange ( gods ). Incidentally, the ancient, Socrates, dealt with
    these same elements, ( gods )that man have created politically, in order to congeal, or dismiss mobs that sucker down to pseudo political whoredom's contemporary civilization.

    Mr. Welch with his cohorts, published a book, " The Blue Book " the Bible of that society. in this publication the truth bears fruit. Robert Welch is exposed by is own words. As it goes, Welch gave his opinion that man had descended from apes, Pgs.140-146. Notice, apes did not descend from man.In recent years, a republication took place. The ( APE ) contention has remained

    In investigating for years, it is firmly believed that the Birch Society is a master con job originally financed through a specific Rockefeller foundation. Too, that this organization is nothing less than a Communist front neutralizing any and all Christians who speak openly of the financiaL control that the Rothschilds and their allied banking connections hold on the global economy.

    We now get back to Glenn Beck. this politician uses religion as a meat hook for so-called Christians to feast upon. And too, for all comers in looking for something for nothing via the ballot box. Naturally, their ( gods ) come into play. The problem with Welch and Beck is as to what ( god ) do either worship in order to hold the vast mob's attention. Let's take a peek. The problem with Welch and Beck is as to what ( god ) do either worship in order to hold the vast mob's attention. Let's take a p

  23. The most significant fact, between the late Robert Welch, of the pro-Republican party, known as The John Birch Society, established in 1958, and
    Glenn Beck's open support of the New Birth, questionable, Republican move-
    ment. Astounding that both organizations have solidified their presumption, that either have ( god at their sides. The problem is what deity do these politicians serve.

    The John Birch Society was instituted on the principle of progressive industries, functioning free enterprise, without too much interference, from Big Brother, Uncle Sam. This society rested its laurels on one particular individual, John Birch, a man of all colors, serving in the Orient, and near by invested proclivities, as all being tied together politically, socially and militarily. John Birch was originally an alien in a foreign land.Glenn BECK AND ROBERT WELCH are THROWN UNDER THE SAME BUS.

    The John Birch Society was a pro-commie neutralizer, instituted on the principle of progressive industries, functioning free enterprise, without too much interference, from Big Brother, Uncle Sam. This society rested its laurels on one particular individual, John Birch, a man of all colors, serving in the Orient, and near by invested proclivities, as all being tied together politically, socially and militarily. John Birch was originally an alien missionary, at large, in the east. It is assumed that he was a Protestant. It seems that John Birch was connected with the CIA. No further presumption can be made here.

    Finally, he was killed, not in the mission field, but in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is where Robert Welch discovered a source, in creating his new nest, of so-called patriots. Mr. Welch, a retired candy maker, used not only political slogans, to draw citizens into this network of concerned patriots, but made it plain that the Birch Society wanted to appeal to Christians in all walks of life. John Birch's murder was the drawing card.

    We might continue to get away from Mr. Beck for a moment, in recognizing how two pseudo Republican politicians landed under a fully loaded Grey Hound Bus. Believe it or not. Two pseudo republicans had opted to serve several strange ( gods ). Incidentally, the ancient, Socrates, dealt with
    these same elements, ( gods )that man have created politically, in order to congeal, or dismiss mobs that sucker down to pseudo political whoredom's contemporary civilization.

    Mr. Welch with his cohorts, published a book, " The Blue Book " the Bible of that society. in this publication the truth bears fruit. Robert Welch is exposed by is own words. As it goes, Welch gave his opinion that man had descended from apes, Pgs.140-146. Notice, apes did not descend from man.In recent years, a republication took place. The ( APE ) contention has remained

    In investigating for years, it is firmly believed that the Birch Society is a master con job originally financed through a specific Rockefeller foundation. Too, that this organization is nothing less than a Communist front neutralizing any and all Christians who speak openly of the financiaL control that the Rothschilds and their allied banking connections hold on the global economy.

    We now get back to Glenn Beck. this politician uses religion as a meat hook for so-called Christians to feast upon. And too, for all comers in looking for something for nothing via the ballot box.


    “What this country needs is to protect the people’s hard earned wealth of creating ways to find employment for hundreds of whom are generally unemployed on low level qualifications. We are creating a class of parasites that are milking the working people out of their productive earnings through developing s parasitic clime of artificial, but unproductive element that depends on some federal handout called federal emergency programs that have taken over the flight industry in our nation.

    It is inconceiveable that a hand full of terrorist have crippled our national commercial flight industry through the commie controlled news industry with their daily inflated minor news issues being bloated to the point that the general public
    runs back and forth through fear that our airlines will be eventually shut down

    America needs to tell Uncle Sam to get off of its haunches and get rid of all parasitic bums and leaches and let these dead beats find more productive work. It seems that nation wide laws enforcement has taken preference over a people’s ability to think straight. Law enforcement is an unproductive force that protect the great slum masters and loan sharks and political hounds of whom steal from every strong box in the nation’s capital. This country is going under from a form of liberalism that plays along with aimless parasitic laboring organizations that will aid in creating parasitic industries that are nothing but well organized drones on the backs of hard working and decent tax paying citizens.

    All in all, national home Land Security is a front for liberalized political whorewdom
    and its makeshift method to bleed productive America to the last fathering of honorable citizens. We need to get rid of SWAT and FEMA. as mere tools of an in an ever approaching incipient socialism designed to appease bums and dead beats working in all parasitic ares of federal and state governments. We do not need to wreck and cripple any national private industry by the artificial increments of ridiculous legal obstructions being subtly used to further an approaching socialists programing of digging the brains out of the public’s twisted intellect that Uncle Sam will not let the people down. We should level down national security in giving each state the right to guard the people’s security to the proper level of individual responsibility. The present encroaching police state under the cover of Home Land Security is nothing less than a pro Marxist scheme to further incipient Bolshevism in causing the state to wither away, in replacing capitalism with the ever creeping of Oriental religious philosophies into the American republic.