Back to “the Most Difficult Job in the Entire World”: LDS Apologetics

As you may have noticed, in the past few days I’ve taken a break from what one of the world’s leading experts on religion has called “the most difficult job in the entire world,” Mormon apologetics. I guess it’s harder than being a professional wrestler, harder than being a coal miner, harder than being a trapeze artist, and undoubtedly harder than mismanaging the US economy. What makes it so hard? One of our critics explained in a recent comment:

Dr. Paul L. Maier, Professor of Ancient History at Western Michigan University, is considered one of, if not THE world’s leading historian on the first century A.D. . . . has said: “I think the most difficult job in the entire world would be that of a Mormon apologist. Such a one must try to defend beliefs for which there is no evidence–archaeological, historical, geographical, or scientific–from external sources to corroborate what is claimed within the Book of Mormon on any matters not derivative from the Old Testament.”

Well, no wonder I needed a rest. All the intellectual weight lifting of defending a religion without the tiniest scrap of evidence, logic, or support of any kind – you can imagine what a headache it gives me even thinking about making something up to defend the hopelessly indefensible. Much easier to whine about the loss of America and rise of Gaddianton-like theft of power and wealth.

So turning a blind eye toward Washington and Wall Street, it’s back to the most wonderful job in the world, sharing the joy of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the power and truthfulness of the Book of Mormon — mingled with a few of my opinions, of course.

But I can’t resist one final note: I can’t confirm it for sure, but I hear that one of the many subtleties slipped into the bailout bill to sweeten the deal for some reluctant politicians was a provision that sells Alaska to Russia for $5 billion to help pay for the bailout. I’m sure it was an innocent oversight, but one of the surprising consequences of that well-intended provision is that Sarah Palin is now a Russian citizen and no longer eligible for Presidential politics. Too bad no one read the bill before voting for it. Oh, and Islam is now the state religion. Well, if it gets us praying a few more times a day, it’s a good thing, I figure.

OK, so back to LDS apologetics (before the rest of the sky falls, anyway). Here’s a useful article summarizing where we are on the issue of horses and the Book of Mormon: Horses in the Book of Mormon by Mike Ash. An interesting and, yes, difficult topic.


Author: Jeff Lindsay

14 thoughts on “Back to “the Most Difficult Job in the Entire World”: LDS Apologetics

  1. I just think it’s so cute when other Christians play make-believe that their religion has objective historical and archeological evidence.

    The little dears…

  2. I always thought being a modern day inventor was the most difficult job because everything’s already been invented but if this guy says LDS apologetics have it the roughest then he must be right, he is a professor after all. Too bad income isn’t based on job difficulty then you’d be the richest man in the world.

  3. Thanks, Mary. Actually, I’m almost the richest man in the world – just one Congressional bailout away. If only they don’t notice a little sentence on page 389 of the current bill where a friend of mine – the janitor who cleans up after the Senate – has slipped in a little provision: 30% of the bailout funds will go to buy the support of certain LDS bloggers who have whined too much about the bailout (which is not a bailout, of course, just a handout).

  4. “Too bad income isn’t based on job difficulty then you’d be the richest man in the world.”

    Actually, I hear that Dan Peterson and the other goons at FARMS are exceedingly wealthy. After all, the Church pays them handsomely for their apologetic works and trying to keep up the illusion of showing evidence for the Book of Mormon or the Restoration and defending from the critics. At least that is what they tell me at the Recovery From Mormonism site.

    [/ sarcasm]

  5. I like the comment about selling Alaska to Russia. It is funny but scary how little these bills are read before they are voted on. I Ohio back in 1996 or 1997, a staffer who noticed this tried a practical joke to see if anyone would notice and stop it. He slipped a provision legalizing marijuana in a common omnibus (pork barrel) bill. Of course, all laws have an effective date some time in the future. The bill passed with the provision which wasn’t noticed until several days later when the joker pointed it out. The provision was repealed before it ever became effective, the politicians were redfaced, the staffer fired and nothing has changed. So you can laugh, but not too hard before someone actually reads the bill they just passed.

  6. Jeff, You made my day with this post! Just when I was feeling the weight of the world (you know, the stock market mess, the lovely race for the White House, etc) I decided to turn to good old Mormanity for a little respite. And you never fail to deliver! Thanks for shouldering the terrible burden of the LDS apologetic for us. Your service is incalculable.

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