Women (and Men, Too) Are That They Might Have Joy

Over at Mormon Scholars Testify, Valerie Hudson Cassler has en eye-opening and I hope mind-opening contribution that I think is worthy of discussion and reflection by many of us in the Church. In “I am a Mormon Because I am a Feminist,” she provides an important perspective and some great reminders about our approach to core LDS doctrine. Here is one of several interesting quotes from her:

‎I remain a steadfast member of the Mormon Church because, for the first time in my life, I understand why it is not a curse to be born a woman, and how it can be said with a straight face that men and women stand before God and before each other as true equals. I understand now that women are that they might have joy (2 Ne 2:25).

I’m grateful for her voice and the many contributions she has made to the world in her journey.

Hat tip to David Grant.


Author: Jeff Lindsay

6 thoughts on “Women (and Men, Too) Are That They Might Have Joy

  1. Who told her it was ever a curse to be born a woman? That's simply hyperbolic and wrong!

    It's wrong for people to take advantage of women and to dismiss them or treat women with a separate set of standards but that's the curse of hanging around patriarchal idiots not being a woman.

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