Atkins versus Joseph Smith

The Word of Wisdom declares that wheat and other grains are for man, and that meat should be eaten sparingly. The popular Atkins diet claims just the opposite: avoid carbs and eat lots of meat. Has Joseph Smith met his match? Can millions of dieting Americans be wrong? When scientific consensus is ultimately reached, we’ll be able to better appreciate the scientific value of the Word of Wisdom. (The jury is still out, but I’m betting that the Word of Wisdom will prevail, in spite of the popularity of the late Dr. Atkins, who’s alleged obesity at death was an errant rumor.) Stay tuned….

Meanwhile, relying on not-so-blind faith, this blog will continue to run on carbohydrates.


Author: Jeff Lindsay

6 thoughts on “Atkins versus Joseph Smith

  1. Point of order: Dr. Atkins died of a head injury. Regardin the claim of obesity, the following is from

    “During his coma, as he deteriorated and his major organs failed, fluid retention and bloating dramatically distorted his body and left him at 258 pounds at the time of his death, a documented weight gain of over 60 pounds,” the doctor said in a written statement. “How and why the Journal reported that he was obese remains the only unanswered question in this pathetic situation.”

  2. For a better approximation to the Word of Wisdom, check out Dr. Walford, whose diet is less popular but definitely prologns life. He is an expert in the field of geriatrics, and has developed a diet that has already proven to extend life over three times in laboratory rats–that’s 150 years in human equivalents. His diet, although not yet proven for humans (we live too long and the diet therefore hasn’t been around long enough to prove it), is showing promising results already. Here are some links:

  3. Thanks for the comments. I corrected my reference to Atkins’ obesity with a note that this was an incorrect report, including a link to a BBC story that clarified the facts on that matter. I also appreciate being informed of just how dated my comments in this area are, and provided a new standing link to Dave’s Mormon Inquiry in honor of Dave’s excellent efforts.

  4. I’m an Atkins believer!

    I used to ridicule the diet, and those on it. That is until my uncle, who chairs a molecular pathology department at a major cancer research center, told me how he used the diet to lose 30 lbs and get his cholesterol in check — something he had been unable to do, despite numerous attempts over many years. It tried it one summer and lost 15 lbs.

    Of course, the efficacy of the diet does not determine whether or not it is in harmony with the Word of Wisdom. Remember, though, that except for the 2 week “induction” portion of the Atkins diet, you can get by without a significant (or any) increase in meat consumption. For example, instead of a ham sandwich for lunch, you have ham rolled up in lettuce. Eggs and cheese can be a significant source of protein, too.

    Regardless, not too many LDS I know actually eat meat sparingly (i.e., in times of famine or cold). With that said, who cares if the mashed potato you had with your pork chop dinner is replaced with a tossed salad or steamed broccoli?

  5. Remember when doctors thought smoking might actually be good for you? Yet, the Word of Wisdom knew other wise. And it was later proven. I believe the same will be revealed of the Atkins Diet and our advise to do the opposite.

    “……..In fact there does not seem to be a single major governmental or nonprofit medical, nutrition, or science-based organization in the world that supports the Atkins Diet.[21] As a 2004 medical journal review concluded, the Atkins Diet “runs counter to all the current evidence-based dietary recommendations.”

    Check out the below site for more:

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